Galaxy Shooter — Phase I: Framework

Rob George
May 3, 2021


Day 37 — Aspiring Game Creator

2D Game Dev: Galaxy Shooter

Initial damage from lasers or enemy collision is small, but the game ending explosion is HUGE!

Objective: Camera Shake when Player damaged.

Pseudo Code:

  • Add Cinemachine to project.
  • Add Cinemachine Brain to Main Camera.
  • Create a new Cinemachine Virtual Camera (CM vcam1).

It is the NOISE of the virtual camera that allows for the camera shake functionality. The noise type needs to be switched to Basic Multi Channel Perlin.

The CinemachineShake script will use the initial intensity amount to start and lerp over time lessening the intensity of the shake.

Below the final explosion ROCKS the screen and quickly abates over a few seconds.

Successfully deploying repair bots only to be hit and rammed!

Once the CinemachineShake script is in place, making a call to the method when the ship is damaged or destroyed is all done through the damage method.



Rob George
Rob George

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