How to Host Unity Games on the Web
Day 28 — Aspiring Game Creator
2D Game Dev: Galaxy Shooter
Objective: Create a Web-GL build of Galaxy Shooter
In order to build Galaxy Shooter 2D for Web Hosting or just running in a browser, go to Build Settings and check the Platform: if it’s not already set for WebGL then click WebGL and click Switch Platform.
The one essential part in creating the build for WebGL is to switch the Color Space from Linear to Gamma.
As indicated in the warning above, go to the Player Settings => Other Settings => Rendering
Once the dropdown has changed to Gamma, Unity will switch the Color Space.
Once the build is completed, Windows Explorer will open with the files but unfortunately, unlike the PC build where you can double click the .EXE and run, the WebGL build will require some sort of Web Server to host and run.