Starting to Feel Like a Real Video Game!

Rob George
2 min readApr 10, 2021


Day 13 — Aspiring Game Creator

2D Game Dev: Galaxy Shooter

Implementing first Powerup — The Tripleshot!

Over the past few weeks Galaxy Shooter has transformed from a rudimentary prototype of three primitives to fun game demo and just over the past day has hyper jumped to sweet looking game demo!

Beautiful quality sprites and background, smooth player movement, responsive fire mechanics and crazy realistic explosion animations!

Next steps are to make it even more fun!

All shooters have them and they only make the game more enjoyable, sometimes crazy and hopefully memorable enough to want to keep feeding quarters (or tokens) into and have hours of fun!

Speaking of The Powerup!

Tripleshot Powerup

Objective: Implement a Power Up — The Tripleshot!

Pseudo Code:

  • Create an animated game object with the sprites.
  • Drop the Tripleshot PowerUp to be collected by the player.
  • Upon colliding with the powerup: activate powerup, set powerup cooldown timer.
  • FireLaser logic: IF the triple shot is active, fire triple shot prefab ELSE fire laser.

For now, the Powerup System will be simple: check for the triggered collision of the Powerup Tripleshot game object against the Player & activate the tripleshot firing mechanic.

Making use of Unity’s coroutine allows a timer to be set for 5 seconds of tripleshot power!

The tripleshot powerup itself is nothing more than a game object with three lasers, center, left and right, with the outer lasers having an angle trajectory of 7 degrees.

Tripleshot Powerup activated!

Returning back to … with all the pretty graphics, smooth mechanics and adding more fun: My once cubes in space is beginning to feel like a real game!



Rob George
Rob George

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