Unity Game Development: From Prototype to Work of Art
Day 11 — Aspiring Game Creator
2D Game Dev: Galaxy Shooter
There are numerous means of Jonathan Weinberger’s teaching methods which instantly attracted me to his courses, his GameDevHQ site & taking the leap of faith to join the inaugural group of intensive Game Developer Course students.
This isn’t a declaration of love but DAMN! he’s got it going on! I’m sooo in!
Galaxy Shooter is a ride! and though I’m the driver and totally digging where I’m going and how I’m getting there, it’s when you let your foot off the gas, take a breath and check out the map you’ve been given — that is glorious!
The first four segments of the course Unity primitive shapes are used to build a pretty sweet prototype — one that I find myself playing over and over and proud to say that HEY! I made this!
And now, NOW! it’s time to really begin seeing the sites. The driving may get a little hairy, there maybe a few roads less travelled, especially for me, but again, I’m putting my faith forward and going for it — I wanted this my entire life and I’m going to closely follow all the maps, travel to all the places and have a fantastic portfolio to show off my travels at the end of it all!